Category Archives: Living

Don’t Just Believe It – Live It!


Sure it is tough being in a rut day after day.  You go devotedly to the same nothing job, and the money never increases, so there’s no way out. It’s a safe place, though, because you know what you’re going to bring home every payday and you’ve got your bills all figured out. You’re in a somewhat safe place as long as everything’s covered.

photo of woman looking at the mirror

Photo by bruce mars on

But, come on! You know you had dreams! You know that one day you thought you were going to be famous. You still look in the mirror every day and see a hint of the young person who once had ambition.

You might be the best damn cashier in the whole store, heck, even the whole company. But who the hell ever got famous for being a good cashier? Who ever got famous for flipping a burger really good?

If there was something that you enjoyed in your personal life and were really good at, then go back to it. Make it your passion. Find the time! Take the time! It’s so worth it.

Wouldn’t you rather be rich and famous from a painting that you drew, rather than the one billionth customer you rang up?

You have to find your opportunity and take it. You are living your life. You have to take charge.